• 25 foot tape measure - 25 foot tape measure - Image 0 of 1
  • 25 foot tape measure - 25 foot tape measure - Image 1 of 1
  • 25 foot tape measure 25 foot tape measure
    25 foot tape measure 25 foot tape measure
  • 25 foot tape measure 25 foot tape measure
    25 foot tape measure 25 foot tape measure

25 foot tape measure

Compact 2.25" pocket tape measure designed for measuring diameters of pipes, cables, tires or any circular object. 12 feet in total. Has markings on both sides of the tape with the metric system and US standard. The locking switch keeps your measurement in place, and spring action release returns tape to the case. 1-Color Pad Print.


Black, Yellow, Green, Red

Price from $5.21 - $9.56

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 100 -199 $9.56 200 -399 $9.14 400 -599 $8.85 600 -1499 $8.21 1500 -5999 $7.68 6000 + $5.21

Price Includes: Full Color 1 Side 1 Location Logo, Duty And Freight